Administration & Terms of Reference
A meeting will be quorate when any three members of the committee are present or, if greater, one third (rounded up to a whole number) of the total number of persons holding office on the committee at the date of the meeting.
Agendas will be agreed in advance by the Chair of the committee, with all required papers and reports circulated at least five working days in advance of the meeting.
Terms of Reference
The Local Governing Committtee will:
Elect a Chair from among the committee at the start of each academic year; this appointment will be ratified by the Board of Trustees.
Offer appropriate support and challenge to the Principal to ensure attainment and progress is driven forward in the Academy;
Oversee arrangements for individual members of the committee to take a leading role for specific areas/sections of the Academy;
Ensure that named individual Governor links are established for the Academy in relation to:
- Safeguarding
Reporting to the Board of Trustees, consider:
- Examination results and student outcomes
- Comparison of results locally and nationally
- Academy Development/Improvement plan
- Headteacher reports
- Link Governor reports
- Department / Area reviews
- Ofsted key issues
- Pastoral aspects of the Academy
- Student Vice and Student Leadership
- Educational Visits
Reporting to the Board of Trustees, together with the leadership of the school, establish, review (at least annually) and monitor the implementation of Policy documents for the Academy, including inter alia:
- Curriculum
- Area reviews
- Relationships & sex education (SRE)
- Religious education
- SMSC, PSHE, FBV and citizenship
- Literacy
- Marking
- Extended learning and enrichment
- Examinations
- Anti-bullying and harassment
- Online safety
- Student attendance
- Home/Academy agreement
- Academy discipline and student behaviour
- Exclusions
- Drugs
- Physical restraint and reasonable force
- First Aid and medical treatment of students;
- Photographic images of students
- School uniform
- Student voice
- CIC designated teachers
- Trips and visits
Provide information regarding the Academy to other committees within the Trust to facilitate decisions within their delegation.
Consider implications for the Academy of matters being considered by other committees within the Trust.
Review the Terms of Reference of the committee annually and propose any amendments to the Board of Trustees.