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Hinchingbrooke School

Sixth Form News

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  • Induction

    Published 22/07/15

    At the other end of the learner’s journey, we had an Induction Programme for our up and coming Year 12s.

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  • UCAS

    Published 22/07/15

    Some students from Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form who went on to University have contacted us with their degree results.

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  • Summer Ball

    Published 22/07/15

    The Sixth Form Summer Ball happened on July 3rd.


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  • Election Results

    Published 15/05/15

    In April we hosted the candidates for all five of the main political parties in the General Election

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  • Head Boy and Girl Announcement

    Published 17/03/15

    we are pleased to announce that Esme Walters is the new Head Girl, and Will Taylor the new Head Boy

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  • Post 18 Choices Conference

    Published 17/03/15

    On 3rd March we held the annual Year 12 ‘Post 18 Choices conference’.

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  • Health Talks

    Published 17/03/15

    Enrichment talks:  We have had another diverse and enlightening range of outside speakers and talks organised this term, covering aspects of health and welfare such as Breast/Testicular cancer.


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  • Presentation Evening

    Published 19/12/14

    We were delighted to welcome back our ex year 13 students to the presentation evening on Tuesday 16th Dec...

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  • Engineering Talk from Bechtel graduates

    Published 04/12/14

    Four graduate engineers from Bechtel, an international company which manages a significant number of large engineering projects worldwide, came in to talk to budding engineers from Years 10, 11, 12 and 13

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  • Volunteering Talk

    Published 14/11/14

    Volunteering: Ann Bunting and Hannah Brown who is currently back in the UK after working as a volunteer Health Specialist with ‘Revelation Life’ came to talk about volunteering

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  • Remembrance Day

    Published 13/11/14
    11th: On the 11th of the 11th the whole of Year 12 and Year 13 gathered for an assembly in the PAC to unite in an Act of Remembrance for those who have died in conflict in the service of this country. 
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  • Faraday Institute

    Published 22/10/14

    Lizzi Coyle from the Faraday Institute came and spoke to our Science and RE students on Thursday October 16th 2014

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