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Hinchingbrooke School

GCSE Language Extra-Curricular Sessions - Year 11

Extra-Curricular Language Sessions – Mondays 3:50pm – 4:50pm

If your child is participating in a GCSE course in Modern Foreign Languages (MFL), you will be aware that a major part of this course is assessed through controlled assessments (60%) which are carried out under exam conditions at various times throughout Years 10 and 11.  There are strict rules and regulations which govern how these controlled assessments are carried out and students must work independently when preparing for them. 

To support students in their learning and preparation, weekly after-school sessions will be offered each Monday from 3:50pm to 4:50pm.  The aim of these sessions is to help students develop a core of key language and structures which are necessary to achieve a C grade or above.  They will focus on revising and consolidating the key structures from the topics being covered in lessons.  The sessions will take place in the following rooms in the MFL block:

French:  Room 153

German: Room 150

Spanish: Room 156

The MFL pages of the school website also give detailed information about the controlled assessments and exams as well as other information related to language learning at GCSE.  These pages can be found at the following link:

On these pages you will find a downloadable booklet which aims to inform you and your child about the format of the controlled assessments as well as offering some key advice to help your child to prepare adequately.  As well as the weekly homework set by your child’s MFL teacher, it is important that students continuously revise and consolidate the vocabulary and structures that they have learned in class.  A number of web-site addresses are included in the booklet and we recommend that each student spends at least one hour a week using these sites to consolidate and build up a wide range of vocabulary.  Each GCSE student will be receiving a username and login for over the next two weeks and they will be expected to complete guided vocabulary learning as part of their weekly homework.

Also available to download from the site is the official vocabulary list issued by Edexcel (the examination board used for GCSE MFL), students have also been issued with a textbook which provides vocabulary lists for each of the topics – both of these are essential resources that the students should use to familiarise themselves with the topics to be covered in the exams.  It is imperative that students bring the textbook to each lesson.

I hope that this information is useful and will help you to support your child in their language learning.  If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Jane Driver

Head of Languages