New Community Reception
I am delighted to announce that our new Community Reception is now open. It is located at the front of school just through the Castle Gate entrance (near the pedestrian crossing on Hinchingbrooke Park Road)
All visitors to the school site are required to sign in and out in this new area. The original Reception area is now Student Reception dealing specifically with student enquiries.
Please note that other entrances to the school site will be closed during the school day. If you are visiting the site out of school hours please follow any procedures required by the leader of your particular activity.
We look forward to welcoming you to Hinchingbrooke School and would like to hear your feedback and comments.
Please note that whilst Community Reception is able to forward urgent messages to students we would ask that messages and items delivered to students are kept to a minimum. This will help us to reduce the disruption to lessons.
If you wish to meet with a member of staff please ring or email school first, as this will help us to deal with your enquiry effectively.
The longer term plan is to provide community information and access to the internet as well as a photocopying and fax service for our community users.
Community Reception Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday 8.00 - 4.30pm
Friday 8.00 - 4.00pm
Student Reception Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday 8.30 - 4.30pm
Friday 8.30 - 4.00pm
Sheila Wotherspoon.
Communications Manager