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Hinchingbrooke School

English and Maths Information Evening

We are inviting you to a short information event on Monday 21st January 2013 at 4:30pm.  This will finish no later than 5.30pm. The aim is to update parents and carers on the format and specifications of English and Maths GCSEs for the current Year 10 students.

The event will take place in the Assembly Room on the ground floor of Hinchingbrooke House.

We will start with two short presentations by key members of the departments which will contain information about the GCSE courses and the ways you can help your son or daughter to achieve their best.  We will then follow these up by a question and answer session.

If you would like to attend please let us know via on the email addresses below

Victoria Fenton                                 Victoria Horlock

Head of English                                 Head of Maths