Students experience the real world!
Year 10 students at Hinchingbrooke have been very fortunate to spend two weeks out of the classroom working with a wide range of local employers on work experience.
Andy Bennett, Head of Information, Advice and Guidance said Hinchingbrooke School has managed to continue with the two week format for all students in this year group despite the loss of external provision. At a recent 'Employer Engagement' conference there was a clear sense of envy from other schools. Employers are delighted that we that we have carried on this year as they want students to leave school having had 'a significant experience of the real world of work'.
The work experience team at Hinchingbrooke have worked hard to make this year’s placements a success and a wide range of school staff have enjoyed visiting our students and the employers out in the workplace. The team are now looking to extend the scope of work experience in future (to include students from other year groups as appropriate) and are currently planning the dates for the next 300 year 10 students.
Work Experience Co-ordinator, Alison Tanton-Smith, said “The vast majority of our students embrace this experience fully and one local employer commented “we are very impressed, he's obviously a very intelligent student with a keen interest in everything he's done, and his conduct is exemplary”. Another commented “she will be asked to apply for a part time job here when she is old enough”. Many work experience students are now keen on forging a career in the industry they visited, either through apprenticeships or through graduate placements.
Other comments included: “he seems like a different person and full of confidence” and “she uses initiative, acts professionally and has become more proactive as time has progressed”
There have been many positive comments about Hinchingbrooke students including a comment from a Deputy Head teacher who praised the quality of the work experience students from Hinchingbrooke. Others said the students were the best they have had in years and that they are able to work well and independently and one said “both the school and her parents must be very proud!! “
We are incredibly proud of the Hinchingbrooke students that have completed the work experience this year and we send a massive thank you to all the employers that support us each year. Without their generosity and time given to these students we would not be able to offer this fantastic life learning education for them.
Year 10 student Sian Sweetman-Anderson working at The Flower Bar in St Ives