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Hinchingbrooke School

Year 7 Residential, Caythorpe Manor, 28 – 30th June 2013

As you will be aware, next month is our end of year trip for Year 7 students to Caythorpe Manor in Lincolnshire.

To ensure you have all the information necessary prior to the trip, there is an information evening for parents on Tuesday 21st May in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) here at Hinchingbrooke. It will begin at 6:30pm and we ask that everyone arrives for a prompt start. It should last for a maximum of 30 minutes.


May I also take this opportunity to remind you that all payments should now have been made. If you are unsure of how much you may have outstanding, or to make any further payments, please call the Finance Department on 01480 420502 and they will be able to answer any queries or accept credit/debit card payments.

If you have any further queries, please contact me on .

Yours sincerely

Andrew Hobley