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Hinchingbrooke School

Sixth Form Open Evening -3rd December 2013

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to invite you to the Sixth Form open evening which will take place on 3rd December at 6.30pm.

The event will start at 6.30pm in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) where there will be an introduction by the Principal Mr Goulding and Head of Sixth Form Mr Norris with further information on the application process given by Deputy Director of Upper School Mrs Miller.

Following this there will be the opportunity to meet staff and learn about the different subjects on offer at A level. This part of the evening will take place in Hinchingbrooke House where students will also be available to talk about their experiences in the Sixth Form.

This is a very popular event and we anticipate a large audience. As such we suggest that you arrive at the PAC, if possible, by 6.15pm.

GE Miller

Deputy Director of Upper School


Copy of the letter attached below.