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Hinchingbrooke School

‘Kony’ Demonstration, Huntingdon – April 2012


It has been brought to the attention of Cambridgeshire Constabulary and the Community Safety Team at Huntingdonshire District Council that a local young person from the Huntingdonshire area is organising a march and fly posting against ‘Joseph Kony’ in Huntingdon High Street on 20th April 2012.


To Parents and Carers

Re: ‘Kony’ Demonstration, Huntingdon

It has been brought to the attention of Cambridgeshire Constabulary and the Community Safety Team at Huntingdonshire District Council that a local young person from the Huntingdonshire area is organising a march and fly posting against ‘Joseph Kony’ in Huntingdon High Street on 20th April 2012.

Huntingdonshire District Council and Cambridgeshire Constabulary are not against people marching, protesting or raising awareness about issues that they are passionate about, but there are certain procedures that need to be followed.

Organisers of demonstrations/marches/protests need to contact both the Local Authority and the Constabulary where the event is to take place.  They need to have received permission for the event to take place as relevant road closure orders will need to be arranged should approval be given.  A number of partner organisations need to be aware of such events so that the necessary precautions can be put in place to ensure that these events remain safe and peaceful for all involved. If you wish to be involved in this protest, you should contact Claudia Deeth on 01480 388233 to discuss the process of protest.

Those who intend to participate should be made aware that they may be at risk of being arrested if they are found to be fly-posting, breaching the peace or acting in an anti-social manner.

Yours faithfully

Ms Di Beddow

Acting Head teacher