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Hinchingbrooke School

Year 10 - Prefect Selection Process 2014-2015

On Thursday year 10 were introduced to the process for selecting prefects. The position of prefect is a senior student within the year and is valued highly by the students themselves as well as future employers and post 16 establishments. It is a fantastic leadership opportunity that gives students the chance to build on existing skills and develop new ones.

To apply students should write a letter, addressed to me, explaining why they feel they should be selected. They should look to outline their skills and experiences as well as what they hope to gain from being a prefect. It would also be helpful if they could explain what they think makes a good leader and outline their ideal role model in terms of outstanding leadership skills. The letter should be no longer than one side of A4. Applications should be submitted to tutors by 2.30pm on Friday 25th April. Any applications not submitted by this deadline will not be considered. There will then be a series of interviews that will take place before work experience.

Prefects are expected to be role models for the rest of the student population, therefore their appearance is as important as their behaviour. Whilst we will not hold against a student any previous poor behaviour by automatically disqualifying them from applying students need to be aware of the consequences of their behaviour. Students will be expected to demonstrate through their application and interview what steps they have already taken to address any unacceptable behaviour. Any student who fails to meet the high standards set after being appointed will risk losing their perfect status. Similarly if a student wishes to be a prefect then they must ensure their uniform is correct when they return to school after Easter. Continued failure to wear correct uniform will be taken into consideration when deciding about applications.

The opportunity to be a prefect is an exciting and challenging one and something I would encourage all of year 10 to consider. Appointments are not made based on academic prowess but rather a careful consideration of student’s personal skills and attributes as well as their commitment to learning and to school life in general. As a result applications are welcome from all students. I would like to take this opportunity to wish year 10 the best of luck with their applications and to hope that they have a restful Easter holiday

Alistair Dewar

Head of Year 10