Week B – Week Beginning 4th January 2016

A Happy New Year to one and all as we start a new term. It was great to have a Christmas break to recharge the batteries and to come back raring to go. With all the Year 11 mocks marked and grades given back via the Mock Results day at the end of term, the year group are fired up and ready to get going this term. With that in mind 40 of our Year 11 students will be off timetable on Thursday (7th January) to take part in the second of four study skills workshops. A further 26 students in the year group will also be out of lessons, attending an advanced study skills session. These workshops focus on exam technique, stress management, effective reading and note taking skills in addition to critical reasoning and self-belief – all aspects which will help in the lead up to the summer exam season. Year 10 will have the second of their workshops too on Wednesday 6th January.
Now that all year groups, Years 7 through to Year 11, are in the new school uniform we are very pleased with how the students look and the improved ethos that it gives around school and in lessons. It is important that we maintain our high standards and students who are not in the correct uniform undermine this. Mr Cooke sent a parentmail home before Christmas stating that whole year group uniform checks will be taking place in the first week of term in January, and as such asking for your support in ensuring that your child(ren) are in school in the full and correct uniform at all times. If there is an issue students should take a note from home to the Lower/Middle School Office (to their Student Support Officer) and get a red card, which they can then show to any member of staff who queries their uniform. Thank you in advance for supporting the school in this endeavour.
The students from the Eco Committee have been doing a grand job auditing areas of the school and the use of energy. They are looking at whether lights projectors and heaters are left on in department areas, and have their list of sinners and saints. What with the new sports hall having solar panels fitted just before the holidays, we are looking to save as much as we can on fuel bills. The vigilance of the Eco Warriors and staff as a whole, means that in November, we were able to save over £1,000 – well done everyone!
This week’s theme is all about ensuring that the focus is on learning, so each and every member of our community can fulfil their potential and inspire excellence. And on that note…..
Have a great week.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal