Week B - Beginning 7th march 2016
Another exciting week beckons...
There are large numbers of students involved in various study skills interventions this week. On Wednesday 9th March there are 21 Year 10 students involved during periods 1-3 and another 21 students involved in their third skills workshops P4 and 5. This is part of a series of interventions planned for these students over the course of this academic year to help with a range of skills from being able to remember information, to organisation and revision skills.
On Tuesday 9th March 70 Year 8 students are involved in a one day study skills workshop. On Thursday 10th March around 70 Year 8 students will have the same opportunity and on Friday 11th march it is the turn of around 70 Year 9 students, all of whom are chosen based on need. It is a fantastic opportunity to teach students the necessary skills to be successful in their learning and ensure that they have a can-do attitude.
Talking of ‘can-do’ it is this Wednesday that our very own Zoe Perkins is off to Cardiff to be filmed in the BBC Young Musician of the Year. A small group of A’Level Music students and staff are off to cheer her on. We wish her the very best of luck – I am sure she will do herself, her family and us proud.
The exams are edging ever closer for our Year 11, 13 and some Year 12 students. This week is the AS Drama exams and Year 11 have their controlled assessments in both French and German. The Year 10 internal exams start with gusto next week, but this week the Year 10 Art Exam take place on Tuesday. So just a reminder to all students taking part, ‘Nothing is impossible, the very word says I’m possible!’ Give it your best shot folks, success is a result of hard work and determination.
Just a reminder that this half term’s parents forum takes place on Wednesday 23rd March and is on the topic of homework – the use of Doddle and various other platforms in addition to reviewing the paper planner currently used by the school. If you are interested in attending, this is an informal gathering where your views are listened to and concerns answered. Please let Jackie Moore know if you wish to attend so we can ensure the venue is appropriate and we have enough chocolate biscuits to go round.
The Golden Antler Awards are hotting up. In Lower School 7M1 led by the very able Mr Hall are running away with the prize. Despite a well deserved win for 7W1 last week, 7M1 are 18 points from their nearest rival on the leader board. In Middle School it was Mr Smith’s form, 10M1 who walked away with the converted antlers for last week’s highest number of 5s (register code for excellent behaviour for learning), although Mr Hoole’s for, 10C2 are dominating the leader board and are 7 points clear.
This week’s theme is a continuation in the ‘Right to Teach, Right to Learn’ series, with the focus on listening to others. Some of our students do not contribute to class discussions for fear of being wrong and this is often down to their perception that others talk over them, don’t listen or might laugh. It is vital that students understand that being wrong is all part of the learning process, and that all of the most successful people in the world have not only been wrong but experienced failure many times before the successes they are known for.
Have a great week
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal