Week A - Beginning 20th February 2017

Amazing trips over half term, reminders about the Year 8 Options process and the parents' evening this week as well as dates for your diaries in the up and coming weeks...
Just before half term the production of Sweeney Todd hit the PAC, and what a production! The standard was so high, I jest not when I say that some of our talented students would not have been out of place on a West End stage. It was truly phenomenal. I was blown away by both the singing and the acting and the orchestra - wow what staying power and talent. I thoroughly enjoyed the show and would like to say a huge congratulations to all involved both behind the scenes and to those in the spotlight.
Wow what a half term. I have no doubt, having read the tweets that the skiers in Austria had a fantastic time. In Mr Turnbull’s own words: ‘The trip was a huge success, safe and enjoyable for all...Absolute Travel commented on the fact that our students were some of the best behaved and polite students they have had on their trips, and this was supported by our ski instructors who were impressed with the progress the students made on the slopes, and the support that they showed for each other when the going got tough.’ The Russian trip with Year 13 was absolutely amazing. There was even thick snow on the last day as we walked around the Kremlin and the students were an absolute credit to the school and themselves. If you ever get the opportunity both St Petersburg and Moscow are well worth a visit. Mr Leigh excelled himself in the cultural show, being pulled up on stage to demonstrate his dancing skills, Russian style. There wasn’t a dry eye in the house – through laughing I hasten to add! Below are a few photos of the Moscow Metro, Moscow skyline with the Kremlin and the Hermitage (St Petersburg) as well as a group shot of the students in front of a very cold and snowy St Basil's. A trip of a lifetime!
And now back into the thick of it! This week I look forward to continuing to interview the Year 8 students about their options choices. It has been a pleasure talking to these students, most of whom have clear ideas about the subjects they wish to continue studying. Lots of advice and guidance will continue in the run up to handing their forms in with assemblies, taster lessons and careers advice. The deadline for the options forms is Friday 3rd – Monday 6th March. Also an important event in the options process is this week’s Parents’ Evening (Tuesday 21st February). Hearing the information from teachers about how your son/daughter is doing may well help clarify the subjects they should be choosing, as the best way to pick subjects is based on what students enjoy and where they are doing well. I hope to see many Year 8 parents on Tuesday night.
Also this week there is a Physics sixth form trip to Cambridge (Thursday) and Glastonbrooke Unplugged to look forward to.
Just a few dates for your diaries…the second Academic Review Day is on it’s way and teachers are busy assessing students and entering data ready for 22nd March. Also there is a second round of trial exams for Year 11 in English and Maths starting on Monday 6th March. Some students will also have a paper in other subjects which will be arranged by departments through lesson times. A lot of Year 11 students will also have their speaking assessments in the week commencing 20th February – so it’s really hotting up on the GCSE front.
This week’s theme is a reminder about the key points students need to remember when travelling to and from school to keep themselves safe and in respecting those around us.
Have a great week everyone!
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal