Week A - Beginning 22nd May 2017

A sunny week ahead with more exams, the continuation of Year 10 Work Experience and House Assemblies...
A great, if somewhat soggy week last week. The exams went well and the students were superb on Monday when we had a military operation on our hands to get 600 students into the RPE exam in two shifts.
This week, in the sunshine hopefully, the public exams start to really pick up pace. To help the Year 11 to learn their 100 or so quotes for their English Literature exam the school is awash with them. They are stuck all over the walls and written on the windows. They will even be written on the playground so they can read them as they enter the exam. Teachers will be wearing quotes and challenging students to guess the book/poem! As a well-known store says, every little helps!
Work Experience continues, and thanks to Mrs Tanton-Smith’s blogs for staff we can see that the vast majority are doing really well and enjoying the experience. One week left to go. Here’s hoping that students get the most out of the experience and come back to school after half term really fired up and ready to put in 100% knowing where they do and don’t want to end up in the future.
Year 7 coped well with their first set of formal exams last week. Due to the timetable there will be a few more for some this week, and as soon as they are marked students will get their scripts back to go through. As with all assessments the results will be a set of skills which are RAGrated on Doddle. From red (novice) to amber (developing) and green (secure). If you are not yet signed up to Doddleparent, where you can see how your child did in each subject, and indeed their progress across the whole year, then please contact Mrs Debbie Warner (dw@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk).
With the Year 10 out and Year 11 in Masterclasses and exams the Year 9 whitewashed the Golden Antlers this week with Miss Bonner’s form – 9W2 winning for the second week in a row. In the Middle School competition Mr Chester’s groups, 11V2 is way out in front, but with the imminent departure of the Year 11 from lessons there is an opportunity for others to see if they can eat away at the lead they have built up. Can anyone beat 11V2? In Lower School the Golden Antlers were awarded to Miss Andrew’s form, 7C1, and it was the Year 7 forms who took the top spots. Last week’s winners were also Year 7, Miss Walder’s form (7C2) with a great photo. The winning shots are becoming ever more inventive and really highlighting the amazing site we have here.
With half term around the corner, let me take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support, especially throughout the exam season. Have a fantastic week and see you on the other side of the break.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal