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Hinchingbrooke School

Better broadband for all - Please Help

Please help to get Cambridgeshire Connected – Better broadband for all

The Connecting Cambridgeshire project aims to ensure that all

Cambridgeshire communities have access to better digital services to drive

economic growth as well as supporting the education, health and well being of

residents. Please read the attached information if you would like to help.


Please help to get Cambridgeshire Connected – Better broadband for all

Bringing fast, reliable broadband access across Cambridgeshire and

Peterborough is vital for our schools, businesses and communities to thrive.

You may have seen the recent news articles about bringing better broadband

to our area. The Connecting Cambridgeshire project aims to ensure that all

Cambridgeshire communities have access to better digital services to drive

economic growth as well as supporting the education, health and well being of


Schools and colleges are increasingly using the internet to support learning at

home and to communicate with students and parents and support the wider

community. Young people with little or no broadband access could lose out on

key support and skills they need to find work in the future.

How you can help

You can help by supporting the broadband campaign – it only takes a minute

to register your demand at

and it will help the Council show suppliers that there is a high level of demand and

encourage them to invest in broadband infrastructure.

If you don’t currently have internet access we can send you a leaflet with a

postage paid section for you to complete.

Please take a moment to go to the website and add your voice. You can

also find out more about the project and its progress.

Gayle Gorman

Service Director: Learning