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Hinchingbrooke School

Year 8 Parents' Consultation Evening Tuesday 19 June 2012

You are invited to meet your son’s/daughter’s subject teachers and to discuss his/her progress from 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm on Tuesday 19 June. For this Parents’ Evening, we are using our on-line booking system.

You are invited to meet your son’s/daughter’s subject teachers and to discuss his/her progress from 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm on Tuesday 19 June. For this Parents’ Evening, we are using our on-line booking system. Once you have decided which teachers you wish to see, please use the attached instructions to access the system.

If you are unable to access or use the online system, please ask your son/daughter to contact Sam Bray in Student Reception with the names of the subject teachers you would like to see. Alternatively, you can contact Sam Bray yourself on 01480 375700 Ext. 5702 and she will make appointments for you. If you are unable to make an appointment with a teacher or teachers because there are no available slots, please contact the teacher directly via e-mail or telephone to discuss your child's progress.