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Hinchingbrooke School

Handover Evening 2023

10 May 2023 The Annual Handover Evening was hosted by our new Head Students. A night of quizzes, laughter, speeches and food.

The 10th of May 2023 was the annual Handover Meal. This is a long-standing tradition at Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form, where outgoing student leaders are thanked for their year of service. We also use it as an opportunity to congratulate the new post holders and welcome them into their role.

At Hinchingbrooke Sixth Form we want to empower students to become leaders in their community. These roles allow students to practice and perfect their communication, cooperation, teamwork and leadership skills. 

Some roles have a wider school responsibility whereas other positions have responsibilities that are more focussed in the Sixth Form. The most important aspects of these roles are linked to their ability to be the leader and representative of the students here at Hinchingbrooke. They must always lead by example, through their commitment to both their studies and wider school life. 


The evening was organised and hosted by our new Head Students.

We welcome our new Head Boy and Head Girl and their deputies to the role: James Miles, Maddie Jones, Freya Burcham, Hannah Thornton and Keira Summers-Mee along with all the new House Captains. Congratulations! We look forward to handing out your black lanyards. Additionally, we want to thank our outgoing Head Boy and Head Girl and deputies: Ben Lemmon, Chloe Butler, Charlotte Coslette, Rosie Elmore and William Petty, along with all the outgoing House Captains. Thank you for your service and good luck in the future.












Tomorrow (12th May) we have our first Head Student Team meeting. On the agenda is raising funds for our Sixth form Charity: Teenage Cancer Trust. Watch this space!!