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Hinchingbrooke School

Malawi Education Link Grand Auction

Malawi Education Link (MEL) Grand Auction Place Your Bid(s)

-Please forward to everyone you know-

Please place a bid, or bids for the wonderful auction items on the attached list.

Please place a bid, or bids for the wonderful auction items on the attached list.

Lots include:- a BMW for the weekend, boat hire, luxury hampers, music sound mixers, music lessons, a signed photo of the band JLS  and much, much more!!

The student teams going out to Malawi this summer hope to raise in the region of £20,000 to contribute to the projects that they will be involved in. Please place a bid and help them achieve or exceed their target.

The attached letter details the auction process.

We wish you every success in securing your Lot.

Malawi Education Link is a registered charity (No:1108460)