Important Information – End of year 7
End of Year 7
As we approach the end of the year, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as Key Stage 3
Manager and to make you aware of some important information for next year. In this role, with the help of
my tutor team, I will be responsible for your son /daughter whilst they are in year 8 and 9.
Overall attendance in this year group is good but clearly needs to be maintained. There is a strong
correlation between good attendance and ultimate success at GCSE level and we ask that no holiday is
booked or taken during term time. Year 8 is a key year for building the foundations upon which further
learning will be based. Good attendance is vital if students are to perform to their best in all their subjects.
Uniform is much improved from last year across the school. We still have a number of students who break
the rules and we ask you to support us in ensuring that your son/daughter returns to school wearing the
correct uniform. This includes students not wearing make-up. The school website has details of the uniform
rules for all students. It also has a link to the Price and Buckland Website where school uniform can now be
purchased online.
Mobile phones, IPODs etc will continue to be confiscated if used within the school and grounds during the
school day.
School Site
We are currently undergoing widespread building and maintenance work which is intended to improve the
site and safety of our students. We would like to remind students that they are not allowed on the school
site out of hours, unless they are attending a club or formally organised activity. Unauthorised access is
treated as trespass.
Students will complete the process of selecting their year 9 subject preferences in the spring term. This is
an important process and students as well as parents and carers will be provided with as much information
as possible to make it easier. As part of this, there are two dates that I would like to highlight at this early
The preferences evening for parents will be on Tuesday 26th February 2013. This is an opportunity to speak
with staff about the structure and content of courses to help assess their suitability for the student to
The year 8 Parents’ evening will be on Thursday 7th March. This will allow for discussion with your son
/daughter’s teachers about their progress and attainment. It will also be a useful chance to discuss the
suitability of potential preferences.
HPV Jabs
You will recently have been contacted about the HPV jabs that are offered to all girls in year 8. We are now
able to confirm the dates when these will be given. The first will be Monday September 10th 2012. The
second and third sessions will be on Monday 22nd October 2012 and Monday 28th January 2013
respectively. If you have not returned your permission slip and would like your daughter to have these
injections, please send the slip to school as soon as possible.
Communicating with School
If you are reading this as a hard copy, you can still register for Parent Mail, which keeps you immediately
updated with the news and events in school. Likewise, our newly updated website is excellent and worth regularly logging in to.
All staff can be emailed using the generic email address prefixed with the relevant staff initials e.g. You are very welcome to contact us at any time and we appreciate updates
on student success and other more administrative matters. Please do inform us immediately of change of
contact details so we can maintain the accuracy of our records.
For changes in contact details and registration for ParentMail and +Pay (online payment and cashless
catering) please contact
Staff initials can be found on the school website under Contact us> Staff Contact Details
We hope that you have a very pleasant summer break and look forward to welcoming our new Year 8
team on Thursday 6 September.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Yours faithfully,
Alistair Dewar
Key Stage 3 Manager
Tel 01480 375700 Ext 5260