Service Children
Service personnel with children (reception to year 11) in state schools in England should notify schools of their children’s service status to ensure they are recorded prior to the next autumn census (first Thursday in October) in order to qualify for Service pupil premium.
Ex-Service personnel should tell the school if they left the armed forces within the last six years. Under the DfE’s ever measure, schools will continue to receive SPP for up to six years for children whose parent(s) left the armed forces, provided the children were recorded as Service children in a school census (prior to their parent(s) leaving the forces).
The Service Pupil Premium is provided by the Department for Education, to State maintained schools, Free schools and Academies in England who have children of Regular Armed Forces personnel amongst their pupil population to provide additional (mainly pastoral) support.
We are creating a community within the school for our Services families to come together to try and support each other. The school has recently joined the Little Trooper Charity to try to build on our Pastoral support network so that what we do offer is effective. Home - Little Troopers
Upcoming events for our Services Students/Families
Pantomime for Year 7/8 - Letters went out 15th November
Your contacts for Services related queries will be Mrs G Stevens, Mrs S Thomas or Mrs S Bennett.
Please click here for further government information and guidance on Service Premium and the eligibility criteria.