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Hinchingbrooke School


The Role of the Local Governing Committee

The Local Governing Committee acts in accordance with the scheme of delegation operated by ACES Academies Trust. It is accountable and responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The Local Governing Committee aims to ensure that students are attending a successful establishment which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.

The memberships of the Local Governing Committee comprises a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 13 members, comprising: 

  • 1 Headteacher Governor
  • Staff Governors (minimum 1, maximum 2), elected by members of staff
  • Parent/Carer Governors (minimum 2, maximum 3), elected by parents/carers
  • Governors co-opted by the Local Governing Committee (minimum 2, maximum 6)
  • Governors appointed by the Board of Trustees (One governor of the Hinchingbrooke local governing committee will be appointed by the Foundation of Hinchingbrooke School)

The percentage of governors elected by parents may not exceed 34%.  However, additional parents with specific skills may be co-opted.

The Local Governing Body shall have a Chair and a Vice-Chair. The length of term of all Local Governors shall be four years unless agreed otherwise. Subject to remaining eligible to be a Local Governor, any Local Governor may be re-appointed or re-elected at the end of their term.

Our Governors

Mr Paul Askew
Co-opted Governor

Link Governor:
Student Disciplinary Committee

Term of Office:

Mr John Brown
Foundation Govenor

Link Governor:
SEND, Student Disciplinary Committee

Term of Office:

Mr Mark Coles
Chair & Co-opted Governor

Link Governor:

Term of Office:


Mrs Victoria McGregor
Co-opted Governor

Link Governor:
Safeguarding, child protection, e-Safety, PREVENT

Term of Office:

Mrs Lynne Milton
Parent Governor

Link Governor: 
Mental Health. wellbeing. CIC

Term of Office:

Mr Gary Moss
Co-opted Governor

Link Governor:
Health & Safety, Risk

Term of Office:

Mr Stuart Nunn
Staff Governor


Term of Office:


Mr Steven Ragdale
Staff Governor

Term of Office: 




Mr Mike Shaw
Vice Chair &
Parent Governor

Link Governor: 
Pupil Premium, Training, Early Careers 

Term of Office: 

Mr Alan Winchcombe
Co-opted Governor

Link Governor:
Careers Education Information & Guidance (CEIAG), Single Central Record (SCR)

Term of Office:

Mrs Debbie Warner
Clerk to the Governors

Governors can be contacted via the Clerk:


Parent Governor Expression of Interest Form