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Hinchingbrooke School


Grades this summer were based on Teacher Assessed Grades (TAGs).  TAGs were submitted to the exam boards by us as a holistic assessment of students’ performance in a subject, following a rigorous process of assessment, moderation and quality assurance.  These grades will be approved by the relevant exam board, following external quality assurance checks which take place in June and July.

Once the grades are released on the results days (10th August for Key Stage 5; 12th August for Key Stage 4) then students have options open to them if they are unhappy with any of their grades:

  • Students can resit the GCSE, A Level or AS Level in the autumn series
  • Students can request an appeal (Stage 1: Centre Review; Stage 2: Awarding Organisation Appeal)
  • Year 13 students can go through clearing

If you wish to request an appeal then please use the information on this page to help you: 

Previous update videos about grades this summer can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

Results Day update

How grades will be awarded update

Mitigating circumstances & body of evident update

Click on the image below to view our information video on the School Appeals Process - Summer 2021

   Download the information below by clicking on the images


Mitigating Circumstances - The Hinchingbrooke Process
Body of Evidence Overview
Hinchingbrooke School Centre Policy


Grading Process



 Forms to download

Student Request Form for Centre Review & AO Appeal


   GCSE Exam Resit Form


   A Level Exam Resit Form