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Hinchingbrooke School

Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is committed to providing for an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development. The programme is of the highest quality and the widest reach.

What is the Award

The Award is a four-section programme with three levels:

  • Bronze (for those aged 14 and over)
  • Silver (for those aged 15 and over)
  • Gold (for those aged 16 and over)

The Award is comprised of the following sections:

  • Volunteering (helping people in the community)
  • Skills (covering almost any hobby, skill or interest)
  • Physical Recreation (sport, dance and fitness)
  • Expeditions (training for, planning and completing a journey on foot or horseback, by boat or cycle)
  • Residential Project: Gold Award only (a purposeful enterprise with people not previously known to the participant)

It would usually take a participant between 6-12 months to complete a Bronze Award.

Benefits of the Award

The Award is widely recognised by employers and those involved in education. Some of the benefits to young people include; developing self-confidence and self-reliance, gaining a sense of achievement and a sense of responsibility, discovering new skills, interests and talents and developing leadership skills and abilities. They can also discover exciting opportunities, make new friends, experience teamwork, problem-solving and decision-making, increase their motivation, enhance their self-esteem and develop their communication skills. They will also, of course, have fun!  The Award is closely linked with many Government initiatives across the UK.

Basic Student Calendar - Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award

 DoE Calendar


The Bronze Award has four sections: Volunteering, Skill, Physical Recreation and Expedition.  Three of these: Volunteering, Skill and Physical Recreation should take place over 3 months.  One of these should be chosen to complete over an additional 3 months.  The final component is the Expedition.  On enrolment, you will be given a record book.  On completion of each section you must obtain a signature for confirmation.


There are many opportunities to get involved in at Hinchingbrooke; assisting in sports clubs, language leaders’ award or volunteering out in the community.

SKILL (3 or 6 months)

Students are expected to choose from an extensive list of skills.  These can be found in the ‘Award at a Glance’ guide found on the DoE website.  At Hinchingbrooke we offer a first aid course where they will gain a certificate of attendance.


There are many activity clubs already running (fitness, badminton, hockey, rugby, boxercise, dance etc).  Please see the clubs timetable for the schedule.  If you would prefer, you can attend a club outside of school. 


There are 3 parts to this section.  The final expedition, preliminary expedition and training at school.

The expedition will take place on foot over a weekend.  This will be an overnight expedition.  As a group the students will have to demonstrate their camp craft and navigational skills.  Supervision will take place ‘at a distance’.  Students will be met at checkpoints during and at the end of the day by staff. 

In preparation for this final expedition, students will take part in training at school.  This will consist of walking, camp craft and navigation.  A preliminary expedition will take place where the students will work with staff on their walking, camp craft and navigational skills.  If there are sufficient numbers of interest we also offer taking part in the expedition on cycle.