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Hinchingbrooke School


What can students do to develop their skills in Chemistry?

Use Kerboodle to do pre-reading, note making
Use resources on Teams to go over content delivered in lessons
Keep notes/resources/ homework organised as per instructions in the Chemformation booklet given out at start of Year 12
Complete the Private Study booklets for each topic
Complete each assessed HW and file with the end of topic test
Complete past papers and check MS

Stretch and Challenge

Enter the Chemistry Olympiad in January to tackle problems beyond the curriculum

How to prepare for the Chemistry Olympiad | RSC Education
Learn what to expect from the round one paper. There isn’t a syllabus for the Chemistry Olympiad, but with a bit of knowledge from studying Chemistry A-level (or an equivalent qualification) students should be able to give the Olympiad questions a go.

Cambridge Chemistry Race held in February in the Chemistry Dept in Cambridge.

Suggested Reading  

Chemistry Review Magazine held in the Library - articles on interesting and current topics
University Textbooks in room 83 that can be borrowed
New Scientist magazine
The Disappearing Spoon - Sam Kean
CGP Chemistry Revision Guide - OCR A
The Periodic Kingdom - PW Atkins

Websites to support the curriculum

Study Mind: Tutoring, Online Learning, Courses and Exam Preparation

Find high quality and experienced tutors near you to learn for your exams, including GCSEs, A-levels and more! We have helped thousands of students with online tutoring with effective results.

How can parents and carers help and what can be done at home?

Encourage students to participate in work experience that broadens scientific experience e.g. Nuffield placements
Purchase revision guide - OCR A
Encourage students to help with KS3 science club or even support in lower school science lessons
Ensure a good school/work/life balance