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Hinchingbrooke School

HBK Fortnightly Focus


Page 18

  • Stunning New Catering Facilities

    Published 06/09/16

    At Hinchingbrooke School we are delighted to have opened our new Food Court.

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  • GCSE Results

    Published 25/08/16

    Students at Hinchingbrooke School are celebrating another terrific set of results this Summer.

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  • Gold for Hannah in Rio

    Published 20/08/16

    Ex-Hinchingbrooke student Hannah Macleod claims Olympic Gold in Rio.

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  • Summer 2022 Exam Results

    Published 18/08/16


    Key Stage 4

    Congratulations to our Year 11 students, who despite the trials and tribulations over the last few years, have done us and themselves proud with their results this summer.


    Average Grade:  5.28

    9-5 Including English and Maths:  58.3% (46.8% in 2019)

    9-4 Including English and Maths:  76.9% (69.2% in 2019)

    9-4 in EBACC subjects: 35.4% (19% in 2019)


    Our Top Performers are:


    Top Achievers

    Top Progress

    Burbidge; Adele

    Cullen; Rhys

    Weston; Marcus

    Herbert; Sophie

    Leach; Stella

    Richardson; Fiona

    Gladwin; Hannah

    Paulaskaite; Austeja

    Hill; Robin

    Dris; Sofia

    Miles; James

    Leach; Stella

    Hunt; Lucy

    Bambridge; Jessica

    Thien; Chloe

    Regalado; Cedric

    Walker; Lauren

    Shaji; Abraham

    Scrase; Freddie

    Mitchell; Olivia


    Key Stage 5


    Our Year 13 students did us equally proud, especially considering they had not had the opportunity to complete their GCSEs back in 2020. 



    Average A Level Grade:  B-

    Average Vocational Grade:  Distinction

    A*-C%:  84.1


    Out Top Performers are:

    Top Achievers

    Top Progress

    Cameron ; Darcey

    Howat ; Angus

    Hollingshurst ; Ellen

    Read ; Jessica

    Linnell ; Ellie

    Dutton ; Jayden

    Howat ; Angus

    Pearce ; Oliver

    Salmon ; Libby

    King ; Samuel

    Read ; Jessica

    Salmon ; Libby

    Grimbaldeston ; Joe

    Thorpe ; Fred

    Thorpe ; Fred

    Thompson ; Reece

    Gladwin ; Emma

    Uzunhasanoglu ; Yesim

    Isaac ; Maisie

    Kunaszyk ; Gosia


    We wish all of our students the best in their next steps, and urge them to remember that ‘we are HBK’!


    Please have a look at the amazing photos taken on Results Days in August!

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  • Week B - Beginning 18th July 2016

    Published 19/07/16

    The end is nigh…1.30pm on Thursday 21st July to be precise!

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  • Week A – Beginning 11th July 2016

    Published 11/07/16

    Please note that the academic year finishes at 13:30pm on Thursday 21st July 2016.  In the extreme heat of the last few days, students are not required to wear ties or jackets.  Please encourage them to stay in the shade, drink water and wear suncream.

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  • Week B - Beginning 4th July 2016

    Published 04/07/16

    Business as usual on Tuesday 5th July 2016 despite the strike action by the NUT...all students should be in school as normal

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  • Week A – Beginning 27th June 2016

    Published 27/06/16

    Another exciting week beckons.  

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  • Week B – Beginning 20th June 2016

    Published 20/06/16

    Note: Friday 24th June is a Staff Training day.  The school is closed to students - except those Year 12 students doing the History or Pyschology exams.

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  • Week A – Beginning 13th June 2016

    Published 14/06/16

    We are the winners of the Care Friendly School of the Year Award, 2016

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  • Week B – Beginning 6th June 2016

    Published 06/06/16

    Missed the parents' forum on Tuesday evening?  The Ofsted feedback presentation is on the Parents' Forum page...take a look! Click on Parents, then Parents''s the top presentation.

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  • Year 11 What is Your 1/2 Term Plan?

    Published 28/05/16

    Key Information for Continued Success

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