Week B - Beginning 19th December 2016

And so to the last few days of the term and of 2016. There is the Trial Exam Results Day, the Cinema Rewards Experience and a partridge in a pear tree...
Well the end of term is in sight, and still so much to do. Monday sees the Trial Exam Results Day. Students in Year 11 will be anxiously awaiting their results, and the wait will finally be over during the last part of period 5 when they all gather in the PAC to see how they did. We hope their envelope contains the grades they were hoping for, and even if they are not quite the desired result they should know that help is on hand and there will be another opportunity in some subjects to try again before the real exams this summer.
Also on Tuesday all those students who have worked exceptionally hard to gain the most 5s in their form group, will be rewarded with a cinema experience in the PAC on Tuesday. Let’s hope we are also providing the popcorn!
Are you a military family (the Regular Armed Forces personnel)? Did you know that the school gets extra funds for each student from a military background? If you are unsure if you are eligible please visit the following link:
If you are, but have not informed us as a school then please email Mr Robin Clarke who will record your details ASAP. Please be assured that information recorded by the school regarding service status and the data regarding individual children is not shared outside the school:
Doddle usage continues to grow amongst the students, with all data showing a significant increase over the last year. So far this year there are just under 1600 student users of Doddle. Students have been on Doddle 113, 463 times (so my maths tells me that’s an average of 72 times each!). They have completed 76, 006 resources independently (so aside from what teachers have set) which is an average of 24 each. Particular praise goes to Mark Ireland who has completed 219 and Roha Qayum who has completed 215! Wow. So that’s the Doddle days of Christmas!
Just a reminder as the term draws to a close that we return on WEDNESDAY 4th January 2017 and this is a WEEK A.
The last theme of 2016 is a reminder about the true meaning of Christmas; that it is a time to give to others, of your time and to be kind to those around you. And on that note, may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support of Hinchingbrooke School and to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Have a great Christmas break.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal