Week A – Beginning 20th March 2017
Information about the various activities this week including important information on the Academic Review Day this Wednesday.
Despite the grey and murky start to the week there is lots to look forward to. Students who have performed well and applied exceptional effort in Science in Years 9 and 10 are off to the Cambridge Science Festival on Monday evening as a reward. On Tuesday we have the A’Level Music recitals and on Thursday there is the National Theatre Performance in the Drama Studio.
Wednesday is our second Academic Review Day. This is an opportunity for the students to lead a meeting looking at how much they have achieved this year and focusing on what still needs to be done. Students have already seen their reports in order to ensure they know which subjects they needed to have learning conversations with. It is these conversations which will inform their targets this time around. We look forward to seeing as many parents there as possible. Remember there are a range of stalls which give information on Doddle and Information Advice and Guidance on Careers to name but two. Mr Grey has listened to feedback from the last event and many things have been tweaked to ensure even greater success at the second Academic Review Day.
Talking of Doddle there are now 350 Years 7 and 8 parents/carers regularly using this platform to see how their sons and/or daughters are performing in each subject area. The assessments are uploaded to Doddle every half term and as a parent to a child in one of these year groups you can see exactly what they are doing well (in terms of skills and knowledge) and what they need to work on. A future development will be that their areas for development will then be linked to resources which will help the students to make the necessary improvements. It’s a great way to monitor progress and gives specific detail on a more regular basis than our previous reporting cycles. A reminder that this is in fact the only way we now report home (other than the ARD reports), so it is essential that all Year 7 and 8 parents sign up. There will be flyers at the Academic Review Day and an opportunity to go and log on in Room 11 (Computer Room in Lower School) on the day for those requiring further assistance.
The theme for this week is all linked to the Academic Review Day. It is a reminder that the students own this process and about the work they should be accessing at home for the day. They are free to complete several tasks in the 4 hours they should be working, or indeed work on just one task for 4 hours. They need to bring their work into school on Monday 27th for their form tutor to check. There will be nominations from form tutors for the ‘Above and Beyond Awards’ for which students are recognised for their work and receive a special commendation and letter home. The link for the work for students is:
I hope to see many of you on Wednesday. In the meantime, have a great week.
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal