Week A - Beginning 3rd July 2017
A week in which we have Year 6 Taster Days, Sports Festivals, Exams, Work Experience, Glastonbrooke and the Sixth Form Ball promises to be exciting and action packed one.
Sports Day at the end of last week couldn’t have been timed better. The slightly cooler conditions meant that records were broken and a fantastic day was had by all. The results for each year groups are as follows:-
...and the results by house for each school:-
Of course victory is always great, but taking part is really what matters, so well done to all of those who represented their form and house on the day! One of our talented students has used his expertise with a drone to create a fantastic video which sums the day up perfectly.
This week we welcome the Year 6 students into school for three days (Tuesday-Thursday). They will meet their new form tutor, get to know the lay out of the school, in addition to completing some testing (to help their teachers meet their needs in September), experience some secondary school lessons and take part in a Sports Festival. Exciting times! No doubt many will be nervous, but they will go away each day enthused, full of stories, having made new friends, and sleep well each night. On Thursday is the evening event to which the Year 6 parents are invited. So we look forward to meeting as many as possible!
We also have Glasonbrooke to look forward to on Tuesday evening. This is an excellent evening in which over 20 bands will be showcasing their talent, all of whom are Hinchingbrooke students. There are food and drink stands and Glastonbrooke t-shirts on sale, all starting at 5pm and finishing at 9:30pm. If you are a rock fanatic, then this is definitely the event for you, so come and join us.
Year 12 are on work experience this week, and Year 13 are back in the building on Friday evening to celebrate in style with their formal prom. Here’s hoping for good weather and a fantastic evening. Year 9 students continue with their written papers on Monday and Tuesday and then there are some practical exams such as Art during the remainder of the week. So far the students have conducted themselves with great maturity. Staff will then be working hard behind the scenes to get all the papers marked so students can have their results back before the end of term, and of course we will be sending these home too. In addition Year 9 have their final Go Active measurements being taken on Thursday - so a mixed week ahead.
Not to forget that on Friday students get to have a lie in as it is staff training day! Some Year 10s I know will be packing up ready for their Duke of Edinburgh expedition in Bedfordshire. That will be a great experience and no doubt there will be many stories as a result. Some Year 10 students are also stepping up to the mark to become Year 7 mentors, and as a result are receiving safeguarding and communication training this Tuesday. It is always a pleasure to see students taking on leadership roles and making a real difference to the lives of their peers. Well done chaps!
Lots more to look forward to in the last couple of weeks of term. Here is a little word of wisdom about making the most of the opportunities around you and making the most of life:
Have a great week everyone!
Anna Nightingale
Vice Principal