Emergency Contact Updates
Emergency Contact Updates
Please let us know when any of your contact details change.
This will ensure that we can contact you in times of emergency and when we need to pass on important information.
Year 11 Prom will be Friday 22nd June 2018
Emergency Contact Updates
Please let us know when any of your contact details change.
This will ensure that we can contact you in times of emergency and when we need to pass on important information.
Year 9 Examination Results
Year 10 and 11 Students - Physics Revision Resources and Session
All year 10 and 11 students have been emailed details of Mrs Laws physics website (including how to access the website) and revision sessions please encourage them to make use of the resources.
TRI BRJ Road Running Club Huntingdon are proud to present and invite you to participate in their inaugural Aquathlon on June 3rd 2012.
For all the latest sporting news from Hinchingbrooke School please follow the link below.
The HSA May Ball will be held on Friday 11th May 2012 from 7.30pm until 12.30am in Hinchingbrooke House.
Thursday 31st May at 7.00pm in Hinchingbrooke House Library
On Wednesday 18th April, “Bell’s Gone: What’s On?” will be held in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) at lunchtime.
Bell's Gone: What's On? provides an opportunity for students to come and have a chat with leaders of our clubs so they can find out more, sample wares, and perhaps have go at the opportunities open to them.
Fundraising Ceilidh for Malawi Education Link this Saturday 21st April . Fun for all ages. Please see further details on attached poster.Please enter an introduction for your news story here
The deadline for ordering DVDs of the recent school dance show 'IndepenDANCE 3' has now been extended, should you wish to purchase a copy.
Dear Parent/ Carer
Please note that after Easter all the tills in Lower School will be operating ‘cashless’.
If students bring money into school they will be asked to top up their accounts using the cash loaders and will not be able to pay for items with cash at the tills. Whilst there is no minimum or maximum top up please note that the school cannot be responsible for large amounts of cash being bought into school.
After a week of student assemblies and a formal staff and governor farewell on Thursday evening, Keith Nancekievill retires as Headteacher of Hinchingbrooke School this week. Keith has been at the school for nine years and has had significant impact on both achievement and facilities. He worked hard to turn around a half a million pound deficit budget, at the same time achieving a steady rise in results which has been acknowledged by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, the Youth Sports Trust and Ofsted.