Hinchingbrooke House Tours 2014
Hinchingbrooke House opens for tours and teas over the summer. Please see the infomation below for dates and times.
Year 11 Prom will be Friday 22nd June 2018
Hinchingbrooke House opens for tours and teas over the summer. Please see the infomation below for dates and times.
If you would like to nominate a student for any of the awards this year then please print off a copy of the nomination form (please scroll down to attachment) below and send into school. Nominations should be submitted by 9th June and the event itself will be held on 10th July in the Performing Arts Centre.
The Hunts School Sports Partnership in conjunction with Grafham Water Centre would like to offer your child the opportunity to try out sailing and kayaking in our Beach Club on Fridays between 3.40pm – 5.40pm on Hinchingbrooke Country Park Lake starting on Friday, 2 May 2014. The course will provide an introduction to water sports and will include Sailing and Kayaking.
On Thursday year 10 were introduced to the process for selecting prefects. The position of prefect is a senior student within the year and is valued highly by the students themselves as well as future employers and post 16 establishments. It is a fantastic leadership opportunity that gives students the chance to build on existing skills and develop new ones.
We are delighted to announce the publication of our second issue of the Hinchingbrooke Herald.
You can move to particular sections of the newsletter using the hyperlinks on the top right of the front page. If you need to zoom in on any particular text, double click on the section and it should enlarge that page for you.
To access the newsletter please follow the link below.
We hope you enjoy reading all the latest news.
We would welcome any feedback at communications@hinchbk.cambs.sch.uk
The Communications Team
Cambridgeshire Police have expressed their concerns about the risk to young people through the use of online games such as Minecraft and World of Warcraft:
Please see the attached Revision Session Timetable for Year 11 students and a copy of the Letter about Easter School Revision Sessions for Year 11 in Science and Maths
The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, recently gave a speech regarding careers advice in schools. The main recommendation was that Local Authorities should provide a one stop shop UCAS –style system for young people who don’t want to go to university.
TRANSITION NEWS - latest update
As you will know we had a visit from Ofsted just before half term which involved 5 inspectors spending two days analysing data, watching lessons, interviewing staff and students and all of the other processes that take place during an inspection, in order that they could come to a judgement about the school overall.
Volunteers Needed
We are currently looking for volunteers to help with the development of the events and projects that are planned over the next two years.
If you would be able to give up some time to help we would love to hear from you.