Year 7 Parents' Consultation Evening Thursday 16 May 2013
I am writing to invite you to meet your son’s /daughter’s subject teachers and to discuss his/her progress.
Members of staff will be present from 4.30pm to 7.00pm on Thursday 16 May. For this Parents’ Evening, we are using our on-line booking system. Once you have decided which teachers you wish to see, please use the instructions on the next page to access the system. We hope that this will make the process easier for you.
If you are unable to access or use the online system, please ask your son/daughter to contact Mrs Nicola Darbyshire in the Transition office with the names of the subject teachers you would like to see. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Nicola Darbyshire yourself on 01480 375700 extension 5766 and she will make appointments for you. If you are unable to make an appointment with a teacher or teachers because there are no available slots, please contact the teacher directly via e-mail or telephone to discuss your child's progress.
Signing in
In the past staff have been uncertain whether parents are present during the evening. To solve this, on arrival please report to the History Area, in Middle School and tick off your name on the sign-in lists. There will also be a notice indicating if any teachers are absent through illness.
Keeping moving
You may make up to eight, 5 minute appointments, with a 5-minute gap in between to allow for movement around the buildings. It would be much appreciated if teachers and parents could keep their conversations concise so that the schedule can be followed as closely as possible. At the same time I would ask everybody to be as co-operative, understanding and patient as possible. If a serious concern emerges during a conversation, a teacher will always be pleased to arrange to see you on a separate occasion to examine the issue in greater depth. Mr Tony Heath, Assistant Principal, will also be available if you wish to discuss a particular issue with him.
Finding your way
The Middle School will be clearly signposted to guide you to the interview rooms. A map of the Middle School, (to help you find the rooms in which the teachers will be available to meet you), can be found on page 22 of the student planner.
I hope that you will be able to meet your son/daughter’s teachers in order to celebrate their success and/or identify any problems which may be solved through early action.
Yours faithfully,
Miss Ruby Rana Mr Dan Milner
Acting Transition Managers
Telephone 01480 375700 extension 5766