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Hinchingbrooke School

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Year 11 Prom will be Friday 22nd June 2018

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  • Year 7 Parents' Consultation Evening Thursday 16 May 2013

    Published 23/04/13

    I am writing to invite you to meet your son’s /daughter’s subject teachers and to discuss his/her progress.

    Members of staff will be present from 4.30pm to 7.00pm on Thursday 16 May. For this Parents’ Evening, we are using our on-line booking system. Once you have decided which teachers you wish to see, please use the instructions on the next page to access the system. We hope that this will make the process easier for you.

    If you are unable to access or use the online system, please ask your son/daughter to contact Mrs Nicola Darbyshire in the Transition office with the names of the subject teachers you would like to see. Alternatively, you can contact Mrs Nicola Darbyshire yourself on 01480 375700 extension 5766 and she will make appointments for you.  If you are unable to make an appointment with a teacher or teachers because there are no available slots, please contact the teacher directly via e-mail or telephone to discuss your child's progress.

    Signing in

    In the past staff have been uncertain whether parents are present during the evening. To solve this, on arrival please report to the History Area, in Middle School and tick off your name on the sign-in lists. There will also be a notice indicating if any teachers are absent through illness.

    Keeping moving

    You may make up to eight, 5 minute appointments, with a 5-minute gap in between to allow for movement around the buildings. It would be much appreciated if teachers and parents could keep their conversations concise so that the schedule can be followed as closely as possible. At the same time I would ask everybody to be as co-operative, understanding and patient as possible. If a serious concern emerges during a conversation, a teacher will always be pleased to arrange to see you on a separate occasion to examine the issue in greater depth. Mr Tony Heath, Assistant Principal, will also be available if you wish to discuss a particular issue with him.

    Finding your way

    The Middle School will be clearly signposted to guide you to the interview rooms. A map of the Middle School, (to help you find the rooms in which the teachers will be available to meet you), can be found on page 22 of the student planner.

    I hope that you will be able to meet your son/daughter’s teachers in order to celebrate their success and/or identify any problems which may be solved through early action.

    Yours faithfully,

    Miss Ruby Rana Mr Dan Milner

    Acting Transition Managers

    Telephone 01480 375700 extension 5766


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  • Huntingdon Regional College Learning Fun Day

    Published 22/04/13

    Saturday 24th April - 14.00 - 16.00

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  • Concern About Students Cycling in Huntingdon

    Published 22/04/13

    The Communications Team are regularly contacted by members of the public concerned about the behaviour of Hinchingbrooke student cyclists on their way to and from school. We will be giving out a message to students in morning registration and assemblies outlining the areas of concern and would like you to support us by discussing these issues with your child.

    The Police have reported that a lady who lives at Post Street Godmanchester was recently knocked over as she left her front door; a lot of the properties along Post Street & Cambridge Rd front straight onto the pavement and this is not the first report of someone being hit or near misses.

    A resident of Brampton Road, regularly has difficulties leaving their driveway because students wearing headphones are not aware of their surroundings and moving vehicles.

    We understand that some of our students:-

    • Cycle on the footpath in Godmanchester (this is an offence) Please note that the cycle path ends opposite the Black Bull Pub
    • Cycle over the ‘Footbridge’ into Godmanchester – (this is an offence)
    • Cycle through Huntingdon High Street – (This is prohibited between 10.00 and 16.00)
    • Cycle through the grounds of the Leonard Cheshire Home in Brampton and the grounds of Millfield Court in Huntingdon. (Both are an offence as these areas are private property)
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  • Students Interview Louis Smith for the BBC School News Report.

    Published 18/04/13

    “On the Thursday before Easter we were given the opportunity to go to the brand new BBC Broadcasting Centre on Regent Street in London to meet Olympian Louis Smith for the BBC School Report".

    Please note the BBC School report film can be viewed at:-

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  • Kirkland Rowell Survey

    Published 18/04/13

    On Friday 19th April, your child will be bringing home a questionnaire which forms part of our ongoing evaluation of progress in the school.  The wide range of questions asks for your personal response and these will be sealed and sent to a company who processes the information for the school.  Your individual views remain anonymous, so please be open in your response.  To get a valid view, we really need back all the forms and if you have two children at the school, you are likely to get two forms as their separate experiences may be very different.

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  • Student Awarded Place at International Ballet School

    Published 09/04/13

    13 Year old Molly Hall, a year 9 pupil from Hinchingbrooke School, has been awarded a place at Elmhurst Ballet School (in association with Birmingham Royal Ballet), starting in the summer term.

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  • Sports In Brief

    Published 27/03/13

    Please follow the below link to the lastest issue of Sports in Brief

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  • Music Department Spring Concert 27th March - Postponed

    Published 25/03/13

    Please note that the Music Department’s Spring Concert on Wednesday 27th March has been postponed due to staff absence.

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  • Science Department Y11 Revision Sessions - Monday 15th April 2013

    Published 25/03/13

    The Science department is running the following revision sessions on Monday 15th April




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  • English Department Year 11 Revision Sessions - Monday 15th April 2013

    Published 18/03/13

    The English Department will be running  the following two revision sessions on Monday 15th April:

    Session 1

    9.30am – 11.00am

    Classroom teachers will help students with controlled assessments.

    Session 2

    11.15am – 12.45pm

    Students studying English will work with classroom teachers on the exam skills on the retake English exam ‘The Writer’s Craft’.

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