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Hinchingbrooke School

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Numeracy Passport – Year 7

I am writing to ask for your support regarding an exciting new initiative that we have introduced into the Year 7 maths curriculum.

You will appreciate that basic numeracy is a fundamental aspect of Key Stage 3 mathematics and that mastery of these skills is essential to students’ long term success at GCSE level. To encourage students to focus on improving their basic numeracy skills we have issued all of Year 7 with a Numeracy Passport which has been stuck into their planner

The passport is split into five levels of increasing difficulty and approximately once per half term students will be tested on their basic numeracy skills to see if they have progressed to the next level. If they are successful in this then their passport will be updated and they will be rewarded house points and/or prizes depending on their level of achievement.

It is hoped that students will take a pride in their Numeracy Passport  and that throughout Key Stage 3 they will make progress towards achieving a coveted level 5 pass. To help them achieve this we are asking parents to encourage them to spend time practising their numeracy skills at home using the departmental and ‘MyMaths’ websites so that they are constantly working towards the next Numeracy Passport  level.

All Year 7 students have been given guidance in the use of the Numeracy Passport  and in how to access these online resources, but should you have any questions regarding the passport please do not hesitate to contact a member of the maths department for further guidance.

Many thanks in advance for your support with this initiative.

Yours faithfully,

D Banham

Maths Advanced Skills Teacher