Year 10 Science Information Afternoon – 8th November 2012
Following on from our recent ParentMail letter, we would like to invite you to a Science information afternoon on Thursday 8th November from 4:30 to 5:30pm. There will be a short presentation followed by a question and answer session. Textbooks and other course materials will be available for you to browse.
The topics covered will include:
The structure of the various new AQA Science courses
- What controlled assessments are and how parents can help
- The terminal rule and changes to linear exams
- The different routes through that students are following
- Where to find more information
Over the past two years the structure and content of the course has changed twice, and the format of the course for our Y10 students is different to the one being followed by our Y11 students which is again different to the one followed by last year’s Y11 students! Hopefully at the end of the afternoon you will be clear how the course is structured, when students will be examined and how the controlled assessment element works.
Tea and coffee will be available. The meeting will be held in the Assembly Room in Hinchingbrooke House.
If you are interested in attending, please ask your son/daughter to return the slip on the letter below to student reception.
Mr Pinder & Mrs Waring
Acting Heads of Science