Italian visitors enjoy a visit to school
On Friday 19th April a group of 15 Italian pupils and 6 adults including the Mayor - Matteo Bianchi from the community of Morazzone in Northern Italy visited Hinchingbrooke School. They are part of a twinning partnership with the Fenland village of Wimblington.
During the morning at school the pupils were given a tour of the historic Hinchingbrooke House and site, whilst also being afforded the opportunity to take part in a Geography lesson, related to Italy. In addition, they prepared some fantastic resources and delivered a number of Italian lessons to Year 7 and 8. They were teaching basic commands, numbers, days, months and colours.
Nicoletta Frison the Italian party leader said of the day “Your school is fabulous, my students and I have never seen anything like that before. It must be rewarding and demanding as well. We have had a truly splendid visit, and our lunch at the crocodile farm was also out of this world”. We are hopeful that this is the beginning of a new link with a school in Italy, which will complement the existing international links that the school has with Peru, Columbia, Sierra Leone, Spain, France and Germany.
Photograph:- Italian Visitors with Principal Andrew Goulding (centre) and Emily Wagstaffe (language teacher) far right before their tour of the school. Hinchingbrooke students; Sabrina Hunt and Megan Lilley (Year 10) far left.