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Hinchingbrooke School

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Ofsted Report 11th - 12th February 2014

 As you will know we had a visit from Ofsted just before half term which involved 5 inspectors spending two days analysing data, watching lessons, interviewing staff and students and all of the other processes that take place during an inspection, in order that they could come to a judgement about the school overall.

 I am very pleased to say that they were professional, analytical, open to persuasion and very fair. They told us exactly what we knew, namely that the school requires improvement in certain areas, because there is a lack of consistency, not least in the marking and assessment of students’ work.

 In many areas of the academic curriculum they saw outstanding teaching and learning coupled with outstanding care, support and guidance. They were happy with the leadership and management and the inspectors recognised that many of the things needed to bring about improvements are already in place.


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