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Hinchingbrooke School

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Musical Instrument Tuition from Cambridgeshire Music

Musical Instrument Tuition from Cambridgeshire Music


Experienced and fully vetted tutors provide lessons from just £5.66 per session on all orchestral and popular music instruments in your school as well as support, advice and access to an instrument (instrument cost £2.08 per session).

You can book a small number of sessions with us if your child wants to try out a particular instrument first.


Please see the attached poster for more information…………………………………………………..


You can book a small number of sessions with us if your child wants to try out a particular instrument first.

Financial support is available towards lesson and instrument costs via:

Your school, if you are eligible for Free School Meals or a Looked-After Child                                                                                                

The Music Education Hub for Cambridgeshire – find the application form at: