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Hinchingbrooke School

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Useful Information for Year 11 - Revision & Exams

Following on from our recent Year 11 Parent’s Evening, you may find the attached information useful and informative.

Information includes:-

  • A guide to the revision sessions/drop-ins/clinics currently on offer for your child. Please encourage them to attend all those sessions which are relevant to them and will help them prepare for their examinations this Summer


  • Some further information on how students should revise, with some ideas for practical activities they can do either on their own or with others to boost their memory of key facts


  • Revision guides given out by departments. These will help students focus on each of the different topics for the exams, and contain a wealth of information about extra resources that will help students to succeed in the Summer

Your son/daughter will need to identify which science booklet is appropriate to them from those attached.

Please follow the link below to the geography web page for revision guidance

All subject information can be found on the Departmental Portal, link below.


We hope that you find this information useful in working with your son or daughter to prepare for the summer exams.

If you have any questions or further comments please do not hesitate to get in touch with either Miss Winter – Year 11 Student Support Officer or Mr Pape, Head of Year 11