Attendance & Reporting Absence
Our Student Absence Telephone number is 01480 375700, to report a student absence press 2
for years 7-8 press 1
for years 9-11 press 2
and for the Sixth Form press 3
Regular attendance at school is essential to ensure uninterrupted progress, to enable children to fulfil their academic potential and to thrive both socially and developmentally. In line with this, parents and carers are legally responsible for making sure that their child attends school regularly and punctually, and this obligation forms part of our Home School Agreement.
The definition of ‘regular’ school attendance, as outlined in Section 444 of the Education Act 1996, is defined as ‘100%, unless there are exceptional or unavoidable reasons for absence’. We understand that our students will fall ill from time to time, however all students should be striving to be above 97% in their attendance.
In line with the Chief Medical Officer’s advice, it is usually appropriate for parents and carers to send their children to school with mild respiratory illnesses. This would include general cold symptoms: a minor cough, runny nose or sore throat. Moderate anxiety can be a normal part of growing up for many children and young people. Being in school can often help alleviate the underlying issues. A prolonged period of absence is likely to heighten a child’s anxiety about attending in the future, rather than reduce it.
All schools, in conjunction with Local Authorities, are required to be rigorous in terms of attendance monitoring and are required to take action when overall attendance drops below 95%.
We operate a whole school approach to monitoring attendance, with intervention from Form Tutors, Heads of Year and the Attendance Officer, as appropriate. The school will write to parents and carers where a student’s attendance gives cause for concern and meetings may take place in school where attendance fails to improve.
Students whose attendance is below 90% are considered by the Department for Education to be ‘persistent absentees’. Where attendance has failed to improve sufficiently, following school intervention and support, cases will be fast-tracked to the Education Welfare Legal Panel, who will determine if a fixed penalty notice or legal proceedings are applicable. We strongly urge you to work with the school in order to prevent such action.
Parents and carers are reminded that leave of absence will not be authorised during term time. Consideration will only be given to requests made under very exceptional or unavoidable circumstances. Leave should be requested at least 10 school days in advance and the application form is on the link below.
Martine Benjafield
School Attendance Officer
01480 375700 ext. 5718
Application for Term-Time Leave
October 2024