CEIAG - Careers
Our ambitious careers and pathways education programme runs through all years at Hinchingbrooke and is in line with the eight Gatsby benchmarks of good careers guidance. Our students are engaged in a programme of careers education, employability skills development, advice and guidance, and workplace and enterprise engagement from Year 7 right up to Year 13. They have access to a range of resources and opportunities, as well as dedicated staff who are available to support them at each point on their journey. In September 2021 Hinchingbrooke was awarded the Quality in Careers Standard, which is the single national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.
The aim of this site is to help inform and resource our students, parents and staff on Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
The world is a confusing place at the best of times, but with the current economic and youth unemployment situation, it is increasingly complicated for young people in particular.
In recent years there has been:
- Increased ‘Globalisation’ and developing technologies, leading to new and changing ‘careers’ opportunities
- an increasing move to ‘portfolio’ and transferable careers and work skills
- a significant increase in Youth Unemployment
- the ‘Raising of the School Participation Age’ (RPA), meaning that all students will soon be expected to remain in ‘Employment, Education or Training’ (EETs) until they are at 18
- continual change to the ‘traditional’ educational and career progression routes
- a corresponding growth in ‘Apprenticeships’
- large increase in the cost of Higher Education Fees
This is all taking place at a time when large cuts in the services available, to help students make appropriate choices, has taken place.
This makes it ever more important that our students have access to information and advice so that they can get where they want to go in the future and know how they’re going to get there. The information on this site is aimed at helping them to do just that, and to make the right choices for them, with skills and confidence, at each step along their school journey.
CEIAG Co-Ordinator - Mr K O'Shaughnessy
Tel: 01480 375700 Ext 5710
What is ceiag?
The CEIAG programme provides support for students and carers facing the challenge of choosing their career options and developing their plans for the future, helping them to make sound judgements based on current Labour Market Information (LMI), their interests and aptitudes. It provides them with opportunities to develop key employability and enterprise skills needed to succeed in the world of work.
Our careers guidance is as much about inspiration and aspiration as it is about advice. Our programmes offer contacts with people from the trust, employer networks, FE colleges, higher education institutions, alumni or other high achieving individuals, in order to motivate students to think beyond their immediate experiences and encourage them to consider a broad and ambitious range of career options.
All students in the school from Year 7 to Year 13 have access to a work-based learning programme that provides opportunities for self-development, knowledge of careers, career management, the world of work and the development of employability skills.
What is CEIAG?
Hinchingbrooke School seeks to offer a broad, impartial and effective Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) programme to help our students make a successful transition to the next stage of their development, be this further education, vocational training or employment.
The CEIAG programme provides support for students and carers facing the challenge of choosing their career options and developing their plans for the future, helping them to make sound judgements based on current Labour Market Information (LMI), their interests and aptitudes. It provides them with opportunities to develop key employability and enterprise skills needed to succeed in the world of work.
Our careers guidance is as much about inspiration and aspiration as it is about advice. Our programmes offer contacts with people from the trust, employer networks, FE colleges, higher education institutions, alumni or other high achieving individuals, in order to motivate students to think beyond their immediate experiences and encourage them to consider a broad and ambitious range of career options.
All students in the school from Year 7 to Year 13 have access to a work-based learning programme that provides opportunities for self-development, knowledge of careers, career management, the world of work and the development of employability skills.
CEIAG - Interview Request Form
provider access statement
Providers Access Policy Statement
This policy statement sets out the Trust’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the schools for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
A provider wishing to request access should contact Ken O'Shaughnessy, CEIAG Coordinator, Email : koshaughnessy@hbk.acesmat.uk
Opportunities for access
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers:
Premises and facilities
The school will make the classrooms, meeting spaces and/or IT resources available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity.
Monitoring, review, evaluation and development of the CEIAG programme
Our partnerships are reviewed regularly. The following provision is reviewed by the Careers Co-ordinator and the Vice Principal:
• Review of all career's events by Careers Leader
• Annual review of and by careers counsellor
• Developmental activity is identified annually in the SIP
• Feedback on the effectiveness of the Careers programme is sought through student focus groups, parent and questionnaires. Resulting action points then feed into the following years’ planning process to ensure they are addressed.
• Review of the academy’s adherence to the Gatsby Benchmarks through Compass, an online self-evaluation tool for schools.