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Hinchingbrooke School

Wellbeing and Safeguarding Services

Wellbeing and Safeguarding Services are situated on the ground floor of the Nunnery Court building beside Well Green. We work as an integrated team to support the medical and emotional needs of students and their families.  We aim to promote the positive wellbeing and safety of our students.

Name Title email  Contact
Alison Setchfield Welfare Manager

01480 375700

ext 5784

Frances Barrett Counselling Services Manager

01480 375700

ext 5815

Alie Winter Deputy Welfare Manager

01480 375700

ext 5111

Katie Goff Medical Room Manager

01480 375700

ext 5794

Keron Wells Home School Liaison Officer 01480 375700 ext 5211

First Aid/Medical Assistance

Student may access the First Aid Room for emergency first aid treatment between 8.30am – 3.15pm.  Written permission is required from their teacher or tutor, unless it is an emergency.

In the event of a student needing to attend A&E at the hospital the parent/carer will be contacted by the Medical Room Manager and/or an ambulance called.  If parents/carers are unable to attend with the student a member of staff will attend until parents/carers arrive.

Prescribed medication can be held securely with a care plan in the First Aid Room.

If students are too unwell to remain in school parents/carers will be asked to collect.

School Counsellor and Counselling Service

Frances Barrett (DIP Couns, MBACP) provides counselling to students, alongside managing the Counselling and Wellbeing Support Services within Hinchingbrooke. 

The Wellbeing Support Service has been developed to offer a wider level of support options. To access support, a wellbeing referral is completed by the Year team.  Mrs Barrett will then assess the student's needs and provide a tailored support plan.

Support options may include: self-help, check-ins, creative therapeutic interventions, Sand Play, Drawing and Talking, or Counselling. External referrals can also be arranged if niche services are required. 

Counselling sessions may be offered with either the School Counsellor (Mrs Barrett) or with one of our external counsellors, all of whom are members of a professional body and abide by an ethical framework. All sessions are confidential, and counsellors follow the school's safeguarding policies, to ensure the safety of the young person.

We also have Trauma-informed Practitioners, providing a further alternative layer of support to students.

Home School Liaison Officer

Keron Wells works holistically with families to overcome barriers to learning, including attendance and builds co-operation and understanding to secure the best outcomes for learners. 

Liaison with Social Care and the Police

The safeguarding team attend external and internal meetings with outside agencies such as social care, police, mental health services and housing to discuss support plans for students and their families. As a school we can also initiate the writing of an Early Help Assessment (EHA) when support from the Locality Team is required eg family workers, Young Peoples Workers (YPWs). EHAs can also be used to engage support from outside the Locality Team such as health services eg Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

Working Together – Multi-Agency Working

The Safeguarding Team attend meetings to support children and young people, which may include meetings with Children’s Social Care, Police and agencies providing mental health and wellbeing support.

We work with YOUnited to access appropriate support for children and young people through a range of partner agencies.

Children in Care (CIC)

Children in Care (CIC) are also supported by a range of services both in and out of school.  There are regular reviews and plans made for their education.  Alison Setchfield, Welfare Manager, provides support and guidance for students, carers and other professionals involved in their care and support.   She is the point of contact for Children in Care in school and also supports students who were previously in care and their families.

Young Carers (YC)

Hinchingbrooke School Young Carer's Champion works with the safeguarding team to support students who may have a caring role at home. 

What defines  a Young Carer?

A young carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family or a friend that are sick, disabled, misuses drugs or alcohol, suffers mental health

The Young Carers Group meet on a Monday once a week after school 3.25-4.25pm in Hinchingbrooke House with an action packed program over the year. This is also a chance for students to meet and make new friends who may be experiencing similar caring roles at home.

The Schools Young Carer Champion offers 1-1 high need meetings which enables the Young Carer to be  supported in school

We have achieved the Bronze Award in the 'Young Carers in School' programme.

Young Carers Champion Mrs Field 
SLT Young Carers Lead Mr Heath 


If a student finds themselves in an emergency situation Student Services staff can respond immediately by providing support in the short and/or long term. Parents/carers can also seek advice and support by contacting them directly by phone or e-mail. We aim to try to respond the same day with a plan of action for the student and the family if appropriate.


There are seven members of the safeguarding team who deal with concerns raised by staff, students and parents/carers as they arise. For further details please see the ‘Safeguarding Policy’ also on the school website and the Safeguarding section of this website.