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Hinchingbrooke School

Admissions & Leavers


An in-year admission is when you are applying for a school place outside of the ‘normal admissions rounds’. (Normal admissions rounds are a statutory process where all parents/carers must apply for a place for their child to start school in the school’s year of entry at Primary, or Secondary school [Year 7]).

In Year Admissions for September 2024  In accordance with the school's Admission Policy applications  can be submitted up to 30 school days before the intended start date.” So for a start date of 4th September, the first day of the 24/25 academic year, the earliest an in-year application could be considered is the 10th June.  A copy of the school's Admissions Policy document is attached below.

Admission to Year 7 (September of next Academic Year)

The application process for admissions into Year 7 is co-ordinated by Cambridgeshire Local Authority (LA), which acts on behalf of the governing body to offer places at the School. Parents should apply online at or submit a Cambridgeshire Application Form, available from their child’s primary school or from the LA Admissions Team, no later than the national closing date on 31st October. The LA will issue offer letters on the National Offer Date (1st March or first working day after). The LA Admissions Team will handle late applications (those submitted after the national closing date).

LA Admissions Team contact: 0345 045 1370

Waiting Lists

The school is organised to accommodate up to its Published Admission Number (Years 7, 8 and 9 – 350 pupils, Years 10 and 11 – 300 pupils) and where it is the school’s view that the admission of another pupil would prejudice the efficient provision of education or the efficient use of resources their details will be added to an in-year waiting list. The school will notify you when a place becomes available. See the school’s Admissions Policy, below, for more information on how waiting lists are administered.

For an in-year admission the oversubscription criteria used to determine places on the waiting list are those that were applicable at the time that the child would have entered the school in Year 7. Details of previous oversubscription criteria are set out in the 'Oversubscription Criteria for In-Year Admissions' document below.

Please note that for in-year applications a child's details will be held on the waiting list for two terms, including the term of application. After this time the school Admissions Team should be contacted if applicants wish their child(ren) to remain on the waiting list. Names held on the waiting list will not automatically be carried over to a new school year.

The Admission Team can be contacted at

Information regarding the process to appeal a decision to refuse a place at Hinchingbrooke School can be found in the School’s Admissions Policy; see below.

Catchment Area
Details of the school's catchment area can be viewed by clicking on the link (grey panel on the right-hand side) titled "Map of School Catchment Area". Clicking on the link will take you to the 'My Cambridgeshire' website where you can enter your address details to determine the school catchment.

Video Tour of the School

Clicking on the following link 'Video Tour of School' will take you to a video tour of the school on YouTube. 

If you are thinking of removing your child(ren) from the school roll please contact the relevant school office to request a "Parental Request to Remove Child(ren) from the School Roll' form.

Years 7 and 8 - Lower School Office -
Years 9, 10 and 11 - Middle School Office -