Equalities Objectives
Hinchingbrooke School Equality Objectives
Under the Equality Act 2010 we have a specific duty to publish information to show our compliance with the Equality Duty, at least annually, and set and publish equality objectives, at least every four years. We aim to create a positive learning and working environment by eliminating any conduct that is in breach of the Equality Act 2010, and also to take preventative measures by raising awareness and promoting equality of opportunity amongst staff, students and the wider community.
Diversity Champion role at Hinchingbrooke School
The school takes its duties under the Equality Act very seriously, and we recently appointed a Diversity Champion to take forward our work in this important area. This work includes implementing a Diversity action Plan that is designed to develop our practice at Hinchingbrooke.
Our Equality Objectives are:
- In order to ensure that we take a holistic, organisation-centred approach to LGBTQ+ inclusion, we will aim to gain the Rainbow Flag Award by September 2022.
- To ensure the promotion and celebration of Diversity, our Diversity Champion will plan and implement, with colleagues, the delivery of a Diversity Programme for students at KS3, 4 and 5.
- To close the gap in progress and attainment that exists between Disadvantaged students and non-Disadvantaged students at Hinchingbrooke School.
These objectives will be reviewed annually.