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Hinchingbrooke School

Student Voice

Student voice is important at Hinchingbrooke and we use different methods to encourage students to have their say, which include regular surveys, REP meetings and open student forums.  Each tutor group has three REPs who represent each of the key characteristics of (Hinchingbrooke Community); a REP for Responsible, Empathetic and Proud Whilst REP meetings have different agendas based on matters arising from students, they are also sometimes asked to discuss the same topic across all year groups.  Below are some examples of feedback provided by student REPs. 

We also hold a student forum each half term, which is an open invitation for any student to come along and join a small discussion group led by one of our Senior Students.  Some of these forums are open and some have a specific focus.  Again examples of the notes from these meetings are below.

Student REP feedback and Student Forum feedback are discussed by the Senior Leadership Team and any changes in policy resulting from these discussions are shared with all students through tutor time. The notes are also shared, alongside any changes made as a result of the discussions, with parents and carers.